At Burnside Academy we aim for our PSHE and RSHE curriculum to ensure that children are well supported and equipped to further all aspects of their personal development. Through our school values of respect, kindness, co-operation, resilience, responsibility and courage we support the children to develop behaviours associated with these values throughout their time with us. We want our children to reach their full potential within their academic learning and their own social and emotional development, and prepare them for life after Burnside when they move on to Secondary School. Our inclusive ethos and nurturing approach to all aspects of school life, supports our children in becoming responsible, confident and tolerant individuals, who respect and value difference, whilst understanding how to remain safe, physically, emotionally and mentally. Children are taught how to stay safe when working online. We work hard to give our children experiences outside of the curriculum to enhance their personal development through experiences such as fund raising, working with the community, donating to food banks and working with charities.
Meet Our Team:
Wellbeing and RSHE Lead: Mrs Downey
Wellbeing and RSHE Staff Members: Mrs Davison and Mrs Pattison
Wellbeing and RSHE Link Governor: Julie Anne Mullan
Pupil Mental Health Champions:
Y5/6 – Lillie A & Travis T
Y4 – Paisley T
Y3 – Jayden O
Y1/2 – Freyja T
Links for RSHE website and parent leaflet
Nursing Team 0-19
Areas the Nursing team can support in are:
- Behavioural Support
- Emotional Support
- Special Educational Needs
- Bowel and bladder issues
- Sleep support
- Dietary issues